
Updated on 28. November 2023
Alarm 2:00 Minutes reading time
Viewed 323 times

In this advertising disclosure, we explain how we use advertising and what our readers should know about it. It explains what types of advertising are used, how they can be recognised as such and how potential data protection concerns are dealt with.

Advertising media and methods

Like other websites, we are dependent on advertising revenue to finance ourselves. The website can be used normally even if a user has installed an ad blocker extension.

The following forms of advertising (formats) are used on this website:

  • Advertising graphics, which can be placed anywhere on the website, including in the text of individual pages and as background images.
  • Affiliate links are links that, when clicked, lead to another website where you can buy something or perform another action for which we receive a commission.

The words "ad" or "advertisement" are often seen on advertising banners. All affiliate links are marked with a small asterisk (*).

Affiliate links

Affiliate links are links that are marked with a small asterisk (*). If you make a purchase after clicking on one of these affiliate links, we receive a commission from the provider or online retailer. The price does not change for you.

Data protection

We do not collect and store information about users' personal interests in order to place ads. However, as soon as a user clicks on an ad and is redirected to the provider's website, we have no control over what the advertiser does with the user's personal data.

Our privacy policy explains how we handle data protection on this website.


We do not use personalization in our ads unless a third-party provider whose ads we have included on our website uses personalization. In this case, we have no influence on the targeting of the ads.

We do not use tracking technologies that can follow a user's path through the internet. We do not endorse this method and do not participate in efforts to enable personalized advertising.

Booking advertising

Advertising space on our website can be booked by submitting a written enquiry via our contact form, stating the type of advertisement and the time period in which the advertisement is to be placed. The advertising budget can be discussed and determined.

We reserve the right to refuse advertising that does not meet our quality standards.

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